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Our Story



Cycling has been a way of life for our family for many many years. Since the 1990s we each competed in triathlons and raced mountain bikes in any event close enough that we could find. We would ride our mountain bikes as teenagers 12klm to school for fun then back home again and sometimes racing each other with our heavy school backpacks on.


Weekends we raced, the love of cycling, the tough training and the speed was enough to have us talking about it all week at school, right up until race day that very next weekend. Times were great.


As we grew older we disconnected then reconnected through riding only to remember how great the sport of cycling really was. We travelled abroad and rode or rented bikes in each and every country we came to. The love of cycling hit its best moments when we would summit a mountain pass only to stare down and realise we were on top of the world!


During many coffee stops we always talked and dreamed of one day having our own cycling brand. Many ideas were passed around and we wanted to match our love. Climbing is our passion. Some say they dislike climbing, for others it's a way of life, a sense of pureness and a feeling that's hard to describe. 


One Summer we climbed the Passo Compologno via a little town of Corvara, Northern Italy and along with many beautiful passes throughout the country we decided our name should reflect the amazing terrain and honour the country that provided us with some of the greatest experiences one could ever have on a bicycle.

Salita - an Italian word "To Climb"


SALITA is born.

And like many others we met on our rides, the good times, the bad weather, hitting the wall or not enough clothing to keep you warm, they all had one thing in common. They loved to climb. 


Our team is strong, and our ambition is high, climbing takes time, commitment and perseverance. And in the end, we make it.


We look forward to seeing many more of you on the roads and in the mountains and remember to share these experiences with the ones who share your passion. Ride safe and look after each other.

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